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Winter skin savers

Do you get ‘winter skin’? Every year my lips and hands get so sore and cracked they actually bleed. TMI I know, but it's true.  Even though we're experiencing another lockdown, this time around we are planning to take alot more winter walks to keep our minds and souls refreshed.  During the previous lockdown we were 'shielding', so didn't go out for 12 weeks. Crazy times. This time the Government is not implementing 'shielding' noting how difficult it was on individuals and their families and acknowledging the isolation felt by those that were asked to isolate in this way. As a result, I'm trying to be proactive and incorporate some of my favourite winter skin products to get my skin 'winter walks' ready. In addition, it's not just the elements that can wreak havoc on extremities. Indoor heating can strip a lot of moisture too cause uncomfortable dryness of the skin. My scalp has already fallen victim and become irritatingly dry and itchy. So

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